Former Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu’s overnight arrest while Jagan was abroad on tour stirred a political uproar and raised doubts about the intentions, especially since everything was broadcast live to the public.
The TDP legal team made every effort to persuade the local court judge in Vijayawada to halt the remand, arguing that the allegations were quite basic and lacked any concrete evidence that would justify an immediate arrest. However, their efforts were in vain.
The latest development is that Chandrababu’s lawyer has filed a quash petition in the High Court.
This signifies that Chandrababu Naidu is not even seeking bail; instead, he is requesting that the case be dismissed. If the judgment favors him, this entire episode will cast a shadow of shame on those involved.
Even if the judgment does not go in his favor, it may still work to Chandrababu’s advantage because nowadays, it’s unusual for a politician to confidently request the court to dismiss a case rather than seek bail.