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Senior Hero Not Happy With ‘Mass’ Response

Senior Hero Not Happy With ‘Mass’ Response

He happens to be this senior hero who has been trying to come up with a super-hit film for some time. As he’s not changing ways when it comes to picking up the right stories, and directors, somehow the success at the box office is eluding him. Finally, he has picked something and delivered it recently.

According to the grapevine, the senior hero is not happy with the response that this recent work received. Though he expected that his work would shatter all the expectations ceilings and the whole of Telugu and other fans talking big time about it, the thing shared by him lost sheen in just a couple of days. No one talking about it big time as the work is full of routine and unexciting fare.

Though the hero’s target is to allure the masses, even they didn’t like the work as some filmmakers and big stars are simply giving ‘masses’ the newest treat they were never offered. On the whole, the senior hero is so upset with his whole team that he is trying to get a few more creative heads into the job such that future endeavours will work out a favour for him. Let’s see.

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