“Changure Bangaru Raja” is a concept-based crime comedy backed by Ravi Teja and his production company, RT Teamworks, is co-producing the film. Karthik Rathnam appears as the lead and Sathya as his friend.
According to the trailer, the plot revolves around the hunt for precious stones and the protagonist becoming involved in a murder case. The trailer promises hilarious comedy. It’s more of a comedy than a crime story.
Bangarraju, played by Karthik Rathnam (‘C/O Kancharapalem’), is a mechanic who is in love with a police constable, while his friend (Satya) adores Nitya Sri. They are accused of murder. Then, in order to escape the case, they hire a criminal, played by Ravi Babu.
A dog also plays an important role in the film and actor Sunil provided the dog’s character with a voiceover.
Satish Varma directed the film, which will be released in theaters on September 15. Small-films, if well-made, can also make a lot of money these days. The trailer appears to be promising.