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Bigg Boss season 1 contestant who entered Bigg Boss with a drum beat… Unexpected promo scene

Bigg Boss season 1 contestant who entered Bigg Boss with a drum beat… Unexpected promo scene

Bigg Boss 1 contestant Harish Kalyan has entered the Bigg Boss house with drum beat.

Big Boss

18 contestants participated in the Bigg Boss program that started on the 1st of last month in the popular Rivi. One month has now completed.

Ananya, Bhava Chelaturai, Vijay Verma, Vinusha and Yukendran, Anna Bharti, and 11 people have left Pradeep, Aishu, Khana Bala, Bravo, Akshaya after being given a red card.

Bigg Boss season 1 contestant who entered Bigg Boss with a drum beat… Unexpected promo scene

Their Ananya and Vijay Varma are back in the Bigg Boss house. With Nixon as the leader this week, Bigg Boss Season 1 contestant Harish Kalyan has entered today.

That is, he has entered with a drum beat, the question of wild card Andrea has arisen for everyone. Famous Rivi has shocked many people by releasing an unexpected promo scene.

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