A customer residing in the Amberpet area of Hyderabad placed an order for chicken biryani through Zomato. However, upon receiving the order, the customer, Vishwa Aditya, discovered a dead lizard in it. He alleged that he raised the issue with the restaurant but did not receive a convincing response. Shocked by the incident, he recorded a video of the contaminated food and shared it on social media. In response to the incident, Zomato shared that they are ‘working on appropriate next steps’.
“Lizard in chicken biryani at Loni Bavarchi Hotel Hyderabad RTC Cross Road,” reads a part of the caption posted along with the videos on X by Telugu Scribe. The video shows a plate of biryani, with onion rings and chutney, placed on a table. However, the video also reveals the presence of a dead lizard on the plate. The lizard seem to have been cooked with the biryani. As the video progresses, the camera pans to show the restaurant’s packaging from where the biryani was delivered via Zomato.
Take a look at the tweet right here:
Zomato replied to this tweet and wrote, “We have identified the issue and spoken to the customer. We take this very seriously and are working on appropriate next steps.”
The tweet, since being shared on December 2, has accumulated over 2.2 lakh views, and the numbers are still increasing. A few even took to the comments section of the tweet to share their thoughts.
Check out how people are reacting to this tweet:
“Already a few times, this hotel has been seized by the food inspectors, but again, why have they released it? A fine is not enough for such blunders all the time. Playing games with the customer’s life and sheer negligence by management,” posted an individual.
Another added, “Stop eating outside to save your lives. It is just business for these restaurants. They don’t care about hygiene.”
“Not gonna eat biryani again,” shared a third.
A fourth commented, “Shocking.”
“My wish of eating Hyderabadi biryani ends here,” wrote a fifth.
A sixth expressed, “When such things can happen in popular restaurants, just imagine the hygiene in local roadside eateries.”
What are your thoughts on this?