Home CINEMA Busy with shooting songs! | Telugu Cinema

Busy with shooting songs! | Telugu Cinema

Busy with shooting songs!  |  Telugu Cinema

Busy with shooting songs!  |  Telugu Cinema

“Guntur Karam” will hit the theaters in exactly a month. But the shooting is not over yet. Currently, the shooting of the last two songs related to this movie is left. Even the song that I wanted to shoot in Kerala is being shot here due to lack of time.

Trivikram wanted to complete the movie “Guntur Karam” quickly. However, the shooting of this film faced many obstacles. Most of the time is over when they are overcome. All the scenes and fights were completed in a hurry.

The songs are being shot now. There will be no problem if the songs are shot at the end. Because editing and post-production works do not take much time. Hence, this work was put at the end. The trailer launch event, pre-release event and promotions of this movie will start soon.

It is completely unfolding as a family drama. However, they will be full of the spice and fights that the fans want.

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