Home CAR & BIKES What’s your favourite beverage to sip on while driving?

What’s your favourite beverage to sip on while driving?

I also know that you will never find GTO without his coffee mug on any morning drive.

BHPian Omkar recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Let’s talk about drinking and driving. By this, I mean the “safe” drinks that you might like to have while driving. We all love travelling and being behind the wheel is the usual place for enthusiasts like us. People prefer different types of beverages when on drives according to what works best for them. A friend of mine is very much dependent on drinks like Red Bull or Monster Energy while driving. I also know that you will never find GTO without his coffee mug on any morning drive. So, what’s your go-to beverage when on drives?

– Tea is the most popular drink among Indians. We’re used to starting our day with a cup of chai and you’ll find plenty of places on the highways that serve decent tea. It’s a great way to keep you refreshed on long drives.

– Coffee is preferred by a lot of people be it black or the usual cappuccino. Especially on your morning drives, a hot cup of coffee will give you a good start. If in a hurry, you can always carry it in your favourite coffee mug (Related thread)!

– Energy drinks like Red Bull and Monster Energy are good for the night if you want to counteract sleepiness on long drives. These drinks are high on caffeine which will help you stay awake. However, they shouldn’t be the only thing to rely upon as too much of these is unhealthy. Also, if you are fatigued, it’s always advisable to stop and catch up on sleep and then get back to driving.

– Water is something a lot of people prefer to keep themselves hydrated. Adding some electrolytes to the water is also helpful to keep your energy levels up on long drives.

– Aerated drinks are also pretty commonly preferred on drives thanks to the caffeine content and easy availability.

– Juices and smoothies are also preferred by a lot of people as they feel refreshing. Especially in hot weather, something cool and sweet helps you avoid fatigue.

As for me, I am not that particular about any specific beverage, but I like to keep myself hydrated now and then with whatever’s available. Water works best for me and on long drives, I end up carrying a bottle of Coca-Cola or Thums Up for sipping from time to time. I prefer cold beverages over hot when on the road. If I want to have something hot, I’d rather take a break and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea while I get my stretching done and enjoy the random views. The only exception I would make and go for a hot black coffee in the morning would be if I am not driving, which is rare.

Do share your preferred beverages when on the open road.


Here’s what GTO had to say on the matter:


Black coffee, and that too from McDonalds. Love the taste and their drive-throughs make it damn convenient. But the coffee from McDonalds is always the 2nd coffee picked up en route. The first black coffee is from home. Have set up a nice collection of brews, thanks to the advice on the Team-BHP Coffee Thread (A Yetiguide® to Coffee). In fact, out of the dozen or so coffee blends at home, one is lovingly called “Omkar” because you got it for me from your friend’s plantation:

Of course, nothing quite like a “kadak chai” (strong tea) from a dhaba. That is a must-have on road trips.

My cars always have two bottles of mineral water. Am quite a water baby. No juices, smoothies, or shakes while driving. It’s pretty much just coffee & water.

Here’s what BHPian Sheel had to say on the matter:

Plain water, always.}

On long drives, sometimes, mix the plain water with some Himalayan salt. Also, on marathon drives, prefer the strong (kadak) tea (chai) of a dhaba. Don’t feel the need for anything else. Hunger needs are almost taken care of and if I am hungry, nibble some dry fruits, that suit me best.

One humble request to fellow BHPians – Please carry your steel/glass water bottles and refill from dispensers wherever hygienically possible. I think the biggest waste I see nowadays is plastic water bottles and their disposal. Sorry, but, had to add this.

Here’s what BHPian Dr.AD had to say on the matter:

I drink a lot of water while driving, and only water!

I am paranoid about liquid spills inside the car and never allow anyone to carry any food or drinks in my car. My wife (my usual co-driver) is well used to this and she also has similar habits. Both of us carry water bottles in the car on our long drives, and we sip water. And she also hates carrying any other liquid inside the car.

In fact, I find the cup holders in my car totally useless (because we never carry any cups in the car), but I find the water bottle holders in the door pad to be extremely useful. Those are always stocked with fresh water bottles before each of my drives. My BMW takes 4 water bottles in total (one in each door pad), and Thar takes 2 water bottles (again, one in each of the two front door pads). My pre-trip routine includes purchasing water bottles from the supermarket next to my place and stocking the car with these water bottles, before every single drive!

P.S. I love coffee and tea, and I drink plenty of coffee and tea on my road trips. But that is always when we stop at coffee or tea shops on the way. Never in the car. Inside the car, only water for me!

A good traveler has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving.

Here’s what BHPian Eddy had to say on the matter:

All of us in the family carry our own water bottles in the car, no matter the duration of the ride. Sipping water while driving has become a habit now. I get quite irritated if I forget my bottle

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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