Check out the full written update today for Bigg Boss 17 Day 81 on Wednesday, 3 January 2024.
Bigg Boss 17 Episode 80 written updates for Wednesday, 3 January 2024.
Bigg Boss 17 Episode 80 written updates for Wednesday, 3 January 2024.
Today’s Bigg Boss 17 episode started with the morning song. Ankita slapped Vicky in a fun way while both of them were having a cute banter. Abhishek and Samarth again got involved into an ugly squabble while the housemates were discussing about wildcard contestants of BB. Abhishek told Samarth that he doesn’t have an identity except that he got entry into the house because of girl friend Isha.
Samarth abused Abhishek and told him that he is a bad and characterless son, and his parents will spit on him outside the house. Abhishek lost his control and started shouting on Samarth. Ankita intervened in between, and Abhishek scolded her also.
Munawar advised Ankita not to speak in between Samarth and Abhishek, and there is no need of moral policing. Ankita said that I was trying to calm down both of them. Abhishek taunted Ankita by saying that she just sleeps all time, and has no contribution in the show. Ankita got furious and replied that you are just blabbering out of frustration. Isha also joined the fight, and entire BB house was seen under chaos.
During the fight, Samarth taunted Abhishek by saying that he is a mental patient, and has left his treatment in between outside the house. Munawar, Ayesha, and Ankita said that the trio – Samarth, Abhishek, and Isha have stopped to an extremely low level in the house. After being continuously poked by Samarth and Isha, Abhishek told Bigg Boss that he is getting intimated by the bad behaviour of Samarth and Isha and might get physical because he is losing his calm now.
Isha called Abhishek mental but he replied that he was in depression because of her. Both taunted each other over their ugly relationship experience. Isha taunted Abhishek by saying that he should break stuff in BB house as he used to do in his personal house. Ankita told Munawar that Abhishek is extremely aggressive and I am sure that whatever Isha is saying may be right.
Abhishek slapped Samarth while he tried to put tissue into his mouth. Abhishek realized his mistake and was seen speaking to Bigg Boss in front of the camera that everyone was poking him because of which he lost his temper. Munawar scolded Abhishek for being physical in the house, and both of which got into a verbal spat.
Isha told Ayesha that Abhishek is very aggressive, and when I was in relationship with him he punched me on eye due to which I got the bruises. Ayesha replied that I can trust it because he short tempered.
Bigg Boss called Ankita, Mannara, and Arun Mashettey into the confession room regarding the physical violence between Samarth and Abhishek. All of them said that although both of them are at fault but Abhishek gets uncontrollable.
Abhishek apologized to Bigg Boss and said that please forgive me for my act. Mannara and Ankita told Bigg Boss that Abhishek is obsessed with Isha, and he can harm her anytime.
Bigg Boss introduced a captaincy task in which past captains – Munawar, Isha, and Aoora will participate part from other housemates. Abhishek is not allowed to take part in the captaincy task.
Housemates have to convince the past captains for giving them an opportunity to become the next captain. At each round all the past captains have to take a joint decision to eliminate one contestant from the captaincy race. Whoever will be left in the end will be the next captain of BB house.
In the first round, past captains eliminated Ayesha from the captaincy race. In the second round, Arun was eliminated from the race of becoming the captaincy. In the third round, Mannara was eliminated by Isha, Munawar, and Aoora. Isha said that Mannara doesn’t have leadership qualities, and gets easily influenced by people. Samarth got eliminated from the captaincy race in the fourth round. In the last round of captaincy task, Vicky was eliminated from the captaincy race. Ankita becomes new captain of the Bigg Boss 17 house.
Bigg Boss announced Ankita as new captain of BB house, and told her to shift to ‘House of mind.’
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