Home NEWS 75 International delegates from 23 countries arrive to watch world’s largest elections...

75 International delegates from 23 countries arrive to watch world’s largest elections unfold

Hyderabad: As a beacon of electoral integrity and transparency, the Election Commission of India (ECI) exemplifies its commitment to conduct general elections of the highest standards, offering a golden bridge for global Election Management Bodies (EMBs) to witness democratic excellence first-hand.

The ECI continues fostering international cooperation by organising the Election Visitors’ Programme (IEVP) during the ongoing Lok Sabha Elections 2024.

The event will be a first in terms of the scale and magnitude of participation. 75 delegates representing various EMBs and organisations from 23 countries namely – Bhutan, Mongolia, Australia, Madagascar, Fiji, Kyrgyz Republic, Russia, Moldova, Tunisia, Seychelles, Cambodia, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe, Bangladesh, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Chile, Uzbekistan, Maldives, Papua New Guinea and Namibia will take part in the event. Members from the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), and media teams from Bhutan and Israel will also participate.

Beginning May 4, the program seeks to familiarise foreign Election Management Bodies (EMBs) with the nuances of India’s electoral system as well as the best practices used by the largest democracy in the world.

After addressing them by Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar, Election Commissioners Gyanesh Kumar and Dr. Sukhbir Singh Sandhu, the delegates will embark on visits to six states—Maharashtra, Goa, Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, and Uttar Pradesh—in small groups to observe polls and related preparedness in various constituencies.

The programme will end on May 9, 2024, according to Anuj Chandak, Joint Director, ECI.

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