Home GADGETS Samsung Semiconductor led Q1 2024 but Foundry was nowhere near TSMC

Samsung Semiconductor led Q1 2024 but Foundry was nowhere near TSMC

Last updated: June 25th, 2024 at 13:17 UTC+02:00

Although Samsung is far from leading the foundry market, the company’s semiconductor business in Q1 2024 was in the best place imaginable. Market watchers say that Samsung was the top semiconductor player globally in Q1 2024, beating Nvidia, Intel, and others.

First, the good news. According to Counterpoint ResearchSamsung captured 1st place in the global semiconductor market in Q1 2024.

Samsung captured 11% of the semiconductor market and outperformed rivals including Nvidia (10%), Intel (9%), SK Hynix (7%), Qualcomm (6%), and others.

Market watchers say that Samsung’s success in the semiconductor segment was possible mainly thanks to high demand from the memory market for DDR5 applications and storage solutions for Generative AI.

Still miles behind TSMC in the foundry business

As for the not-so-great news, Samsung was nowhere near TSMC in the foundry market in Q1 2024. Industry watchers say the foundry market in the first quarter of the year experienced some notable dynamic shifts, and TSMC exceeded market expectations thanks to AI-related demands.

TSMC captured 62% of the foundry market. Samsung Foundry revenues declined, but the company maintained 2nd place with a market share of 13%.

Smaller rival SMIC captured the third spot on the podium for the first time, with a share of 6%, whereas UMC and GlobalFoundries held the 4th and 5th spots with 6% and 5% of the market, respectively.

Image Credit: Samsung

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