Home CAR & BIKES 22500km up on my Innova Hycross Hybrid: Real world FE & other...

22500km up on my Innova Hycross Hybrid: Real world FE & other updates

22500km up on my Innova Hycross Hybrid: Real world FE & other updates

On good rhythmic days, engine use is less compared to other days and I have observed that when the rear AC is on, the engine kicks more often.

BHPian woodstock3001 recently shared this with other enthusiasts:

Days Owned: 497

Kms Driven: 22547

Maintenance Expenses: 26,269/- (Excl. Fuel & Insurance) (Fingers crossed)

Mileage is the reason for this update

Typically, my Hycross averages around 17 kmpl which is not bad for a vehicle this size, but this Tuesday, was pleasantly surprised to see 24.6 kmpl, during the peak evening commute from office (Gurgaon) to home (Pitampura). Left office at 7 PM & arrived home by 8:30 PM. Was so thrilled to see 24.6 kmpl, that I could only take two blurry photos. By the time I got the camera set, display turned off, So apologies for the poor quality, but for those who love stats, here are the details –

Distance traveled: 51 km (Parking to Parking)

Time taken: 1 hr 21 mins

Mileage: 24.6 km/l (As per MID)

22500km up on my Innova Hycross Hybrid: Real world FE & other updates

Of this 51km, 25km is on the Dwarka expressway & rest is in typical Delhi traffic. For sure, I was driving with a light foot in Normal mode with the AC on whole time, set to Auto at 23 deg. I feel there is a rhythm to how this car performs. On good rhythmic days, engine use is less compared to other days and I have observed that when the rear AC is on, the engine kicks more often compared to when just front AC is used, which leads to drop in mileage. This can also be attributed towards increase in weight (read more than 3 passengers). My wife keeps reminding me not to boast too much about the mileage, saying it might attract bad luck (Najar Lag Jayegi) , as I often poke fun at my brother, checking mileage on his Seltos petrol manual (No pun intended to fellow any Seltos owner, it’s a brilliant vehicle & that’s why we have 2 Seltos in the family).

On a different note, I’m dealing with a minor yet irritating issue. When I close the driver’s door, I hear a noise coming from the driver-side ORVM, almost like there’s a loose nut inside. I used to ignore it, but it has started to irritate me.

Suggestions on how this can be resolved, are appreciated.

Now, some pictures for viewing pleasure from my recent trip to our hometown –

Lovely countryside road

My dad placed garlands in the car, post visiting the temple

It’s a joy to see car after parking it, & I can’t help but enjoy capturing it as well.

Check out BHPian comments for more insights and information.

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