In a major operation against cybercriminals, the Cyber Crime Police Station, Hyderabad, has arrested 23 individuals involved in a network of financial fraud schemes across multiple states, including Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh. The crackdown was part of a coordinated effort by five specialised teams targeting organised fraud syndicates exploiting digital systems.
The arrested suspects are linked to 30 cases in Telangana and 359 cases nationwide. The investigation uncovered a variety of fraudulent schemes, including investment fraud, digital arrest scams, trading fraud, APK file fraud, and job scams, with victims suffering a total financial loss of Rs 5.29 crore.
As part of the operation, police seized Rs 40,000 in cash, 25 mobile phones, 45 SIM cards, 28 bank passbooks/checkbooks, 23 debit/credit cards, one laptop, three QR code scanners, and five shell company stamps. The operation also led to the identification and arrest of key players, including bank officials, mule account suppliers, and ringleaders who facilitated these fraudulent activities.
In a major breakthrough, Rs 39 lakh was refunded to victims in three cases this week alone. These efforts not only resulted in financial recoveries but also dismantled organised fraud networks, ensuring justice for victims across the country.
Dara Kavitha, Deputy Commissioner of Police, Cyber Crimes, Hyderabad, urged citizens to remain cautious and report suspicious activities. She advised the public to avoid engaging with individuals or groups on social media platforms offering high-return investment schemes and to stay wary of unrealistic promises. The public was reminded that law enforcement agencies never demand money to prove innocence or issue digital arrests.