symbolic picture
The government has changed in New Zealand. With the change of government, the New Zealand government has taken a big decision. According to the decision, the country has lifted the ban on tobacco and cigarettes, in which people born after 2008 were prohibited from selling cigarettes. People have called this decision shocking. Many health experts have said that this is a blow to public health.
This law was introduced in 2022 when Jacinda Ardern was the Prime Minister. In the ‘Smoke Free Environment Law’ it was said that people born after 2008 would not be able to buy products related to smoking. The purpose of this law was to stop those youth from consuming tobacco, who were continuously falling prey to it. The law also set guidelines on the number of retailers selling tobacco products and the amount of nicotine in cigarettes.
Britain had also announced
It is said that the British government was also influenced by New Zealand’s earlier decision. Britain had announced in September that it would also ban the sale of tobacco products to youth on the lines of New Zealand. This decision of the New Zealand government, which takes a step back, may now affect those countries which, like New Zealand, were moving in the direction of banning cigarettes and tobacco.
The new Prime Minister told why he took this decision
Christopher Luxon has become the new Prime Minister of New Zealand. He took oath yesterday i.e. on Monday itself. After assuming office, Christopher said that his top priority would be to improve the economy. Along with forming a coalition government, Lakson has promised to cut taxes and train more than 500 police officers within two years. The argument given behind removing the old law related to tobacco is that it will give relief to people from tax.
Jacinda Ardern had resigned!
Jacinda Ardern had resigned in early 2023. She remained on this post for about 6 years. Later, he resigned, saying that he no longer had anything new to offer the country. His step was praised all over the world. General elections were held in New Zealand on October 14 this year in which former businessman and now Prime Minister of the country Christopher emerged as the largest party.