Home GADGETS CPU Monitor Uses Physical Dials and LEDs to Show Usage

CPU Monitor Uses Physical Dials and LEDs to Show Usage

CPU Monitor Uses Physical Dials and LEDs to Show Usage

Knowing the upper limits of what your machine can handle is at the forefront of PC gaming. One of the best ways to monitor your machine’s performance is to observe the CPU usage and this is usually done digitally using software such as the Windows Task Manager that comes with the operating system. However, Lex from Computing: the Details has created a new CPU monitor from scratch that takes things out of the digital realm and into the real world.

To monitor the CPU, at least 12 dials would be needed to represent each core’s load . However, Lex opted to add additional dials to keep an eye on memory usage and swap space. As these metrics change, the dials move to indicate how much workload is being handled at a given time. The LEDs also change to indicate how high or low the level is at a glance.

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